"Even in this darkest of nights, I see... the moonlight..." — *Ludwig, The Holy Blade.

Descent from a lineage of proud, European knights, Ludwig the Holy Blade was the first-ever hunter of the Healing Church in the peak of the organisation's reign. Under Ludwig's leadership, the Healing Church gained its own core of hunters, led by Ludwig himself under the Church's patronage. Ludwig trained his hunters to be honourable Spartans, and even trained ordinary Yharnamites as hunters, effectively uniting the populace and using it to combat the scourge. Despite his chivalrous public influence, many detractors would come to criticise and disagree with him and the Holy Blades. This would primarily concern his militarised methods, but additionally, would bloom from the scarce glimpses of his fierce, preternatural bond to the Holy Moonlight Sword. He would blindly imbibe himself with the abyssal insight the thread of light gifted him, prying his heart time and time again of its human fears amid the hunt's bloodshed. Such blinding guidance would strike fear into the hearts of the few who would ever witness the blade, driving Ludwig forward, deeper into the stench of blood and beasts. — Yharnam's revered, fearless white knight? or a beast-possessed degenerate?It was only a matter of time before Ludwig himself would succumb to the bloodlust, shoved prematurely into the abyss of despair at the violent beheading of his noble steed in the heat of battle. Through tears of rage, the pair's flesh would merge into one as Ludwig would hideously transform, mutating him into the most unsightly beast... A foul Cerberus of eight limbs and two mouths, stalking through the Nightmare's river of blood, created from the countless hunters and beasts he would tear into with teeth and claws in his blind rage. The guilty would lie in the vile slush at his feet for eternity, a dark, putrid lair, impenetrable by the brightest of man's flame. Yet, even in the void, Ludwig would one day discover his thread of light glowing just in reach once more, beckoning him to cling onto its trail for one last time. Behind blind, beastly eyes, a revelation would kindle to life: His true mentor had been at his side all along.

FULL NAME Ludwig. ALIAS(S) Ludwig the Holy Blade, Ludwig the Accursed. SPECIES Human [ Later Beast. Progressive symptoms prevalent. ] AGE 38. BIRTHDAY February 22nd, Year Unknown. ETHNIC GROUP Caucasian. NATIONALITY German. LANGUAGE(S) Common, German [ Fluent. ] GENDER Cis Male. PRONOUNS He, Him, Himself. ORIENTATION
Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Yharnam, Lower Cathedral Ward. [ Later The Hunter's Nightmare - Underground Corpse Pile. ]
ROLE Captain of The Holy Blades. VOICE CLAIM Des McAleer. MOUNT Fidelio - An Eleven-Year-Old, male, grey-brindled Clydesdale horse. [ Would later fuse with Ludwig’s beastly transformation after its despairing death. ] FACE Long oblong shaped face with low cheekbones and defined jawline. Possess a long, upturned nose with a prominent dorsal hump — slightly crooked bridge due to previous break. HAIR Naturally Wavy, off black with slight balayage. Messy, flows around his shoulders and neck at collar-bone length. Occasionally will be brushed back into a short ponytail + Possesses a short beard in a 'BeardStache' style, with prominent handlebar mustache.

EYES Hooded, downturned deep blue eyes. Short eyelashes. Gentle shape. Slight scarring beneath his left eye. COMPLEXION
Fair skin, green undertones
HEIGHT 6'2 ft [ 189 cm ] WEIGHT 192 lbs [ 87 kg ] BUILD Endomorph. Broad and stocky build with around 15% body fat. Strong back, arms and thighs. CLOTHING STYLE Dons unique Church attire, with a long white robe and white cape wrapped around his shoulders; The Holy Shawl flutters proudly from his back. Aneath is a dark brown vest, bound hunters gloves and frayed trousers tucked into thick leather boots. Wears the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge around his neck. USUAL EXPRESSION Often holding a stern, proud expression. Demeanour is softened by notably gentle eyes. TOOLS Carries the Hunter Chief Emblem, Guidance Rune and Radiant Sword Hunter Badge. Weapons include Ludwig's Holy Blade & Ludwig's Rifle. Has his beloved Holy Moonlight Sword strung across his back at all times, although he will rarely employ it beyond intensive combat. NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS
Undiagnosed mental instability.
Deep sleeper with extremely vivid dreams. Often will twitch and mutter.
Mostly reliable and static, his fearless composure enlivened by proud, passionate outbursts towards his directive beliefs. The darker side of this, however, is an unyielding defence of his own perspective and an intimidating response to those who might challenge it. Possesses an intrinsic bond with the Holy Moonlight Sword, and becomes greatly unpredictable whilst under its guidance.

Generally delves into the demeanour of the Church’s ‘white knight’ in the public eye — Openly affable and outspoken. Completely comfortable with addressing the masses and engaging with the individual compatriots of Yharnam. Enjoys getting to know hunters and citizens on a personal level, empathising with their strife. Otherwise private in his personal endeavours.
Moderately reliant on the Old Blood. Imbibed completely in the abyssal guidance of the Holy Moonlight Sword, fixated on what unbridled, eldritch insight it grants him.
POSITIVE TRAITS Chivalrous, Outspoken, Brave, Charismatic, Passionate, Communicative, Purposeful, Curious, Practical, Efficient, Sentimental, Protective, Affectionate, Eloquent. NEGATIVE TRAITS Arrogant, Possessive, Dogmatic, Temperamental, Immoral, Secretive, Gullible, Denialist, Obsessive, Intrusive, Unyielding, Reactive, Absentminded, Overbearing, Sensitive. GOALS/DESIRES To lead Yharnam’s forces to a tangible victory and empower the masses to protect themselves against the beastly plague. To recruit and train hunters, shaping the chivalrous presence and reputation of The Holy Blades. FEARS To see his efforts go to waste after such great sacrifice. For his elite hunters become dishonest and corrupt, misled from their duty of service to the people. HOBBIES Horse riding, Writing, Decorating, Tutoring, Training, Horse fostering.


"I'm in a bad mood. You picked a bad time to test me. But if you want to grab me, just try — It will be the last thing you ever do." — Lisa Lisa.

LISA LISA is one of the last Hamon masters, with a past rumoured to be wrapped in torment and mystery. She shares no such side of herself freely, her heart locked away deep within Air Supplena Island to give full clarity to her mind and the duty she is set on maintaining: to train new Hamon warriors capable of protecting and preserving humankind from forces that seek to prey upon them. It is with her promised pupils that Lisa Lisa guards humanity's very fate in the form of a small, brilliant gemstone born of pure sunlight energy: The Red Stone of Aja — entrusted to her from a long line of late Hamon warriors. The stone would slip between the fingers of many brave men and women over centuries, Lisa Lisa's predecessor her very own adoptive father, STRAIZO, who passed it on to her on her eighteenth birthday.But back then, there was no Lisa Lisa. Rather, a young woman, a happier woman by the name of ELIZABETH. Since before she could walk, Elizabeth's fate was tied in with the tragedy of the Joestars. She was rescued as a two-month-old from the burning wreckage of a boat that a vampire by the name of DIO BRANDO had unleashed his minions upon to hunt down his adoptive brother, JONATHAN JOESTAR, who was there on his honeymoon with his wife ERINA JOESTAR. When the man was slain, his pregnant widow would flee with young Elizabeth in her arms, having saved the infant after her own parents were slaughtered. Since Erina was already expecting, she would pass Elizabeth along to her late husband's ally, STRAIZO, the Tibetan Monk and Hamon warrior coming to be the only father Elizabeth had ever known. She would train under him later in life, having shown proficiency in Hamon and combat. In her thirties, Elizabeth would reunite with Erina Joestar, and come to meet the man who Erina had given birth to months after the boat disaster, GEORGE JOESTAR II. The spark between the two was instant, and they would become married shortly after, bearing an only son named JOSEPH JOESTAR. George was a talented pilot for the British Air Force during World War I. During his service, however, he discovered that one of his superior officers was a zombie that had been created by Dio and had been living secretly in darkness for years, now hiding amidst the Air Force's ranks. George went to confront him, but unfortunately, was not trained properly in the art of Hamon, and died in the battle, his remains never recovered after having been devoured by the creature. Elizabeth was absolutely devastated, mourning his death alongside her now mother-in-law and her other kin. Despite his death being covered as a flying accident, Elizabeth would come to discover exactly what had happened to her husband, causing her to leave her son with his grandmother and storm into the Air Force's base in a blind rage. She would seek out the disguised zombie and execute him swiftly with the Hamon ripple she had learned from her father, burning the creature into ashes. But, because of her haste, Elizabeth was discovered by the other Air Force operatives, their lack of knowledge of vampires or zombies causing them to believe Elizabeth had murdered their commander in cold blood.Now wanted by the authorities, Elizabeth was forced to flee the country, utterly pained having to leave behind both her son and her father. But it was for their own good, she would tell herself — her own good as well. With the help of the Speedwagon Foundation, she was able to strip herself completely of her old identity, a previously unknown woman by the name of Lisa Lisa emerging in Venice as a secretive and strict Hamon master.

FULL NAME Elizabeth Joestar. ALIAS(S) Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach, Teacher, The Master. SPECIES Human. AGE 50. BIRTHDAY December 5th, 1888. ETHNIC GROUP Caucasian. NATIONALITY British. LANGUAGE(S) English [ Native Tongue ] , Italian [ Working Proficiency. ] GENDER Cis Female. PRONOUNS She, Her, Herself. ORIENTATION
Bisexual, Biromantic.
LOCATION Air Supplena Island, an Island that can be reached by boat from about 30 minutes North of Venice. The entire Island is owned by Lisa Lisa and has a population of six people. This is where Lisa Lisa trains her students in perfecting their Hamon combat, the training so demanding that it is rumoured that some have even lost their lives in the process. OCCUPATION Headmaster of Air Supplena Island's Hamon training. VOICE CLAIM Atsuko Tanaka. ADOPTIVE FATHER
Straizo. Lisa Lisa, while born with a talent for using Hamon, owes her proficiency in combat to Straizo, having trained under him personally and eventually becoming his successor in the guardianship of The Red Stone of Aja on her 18th birthday. Lisa Lisa adores her father, a large chunk of her manner, style and beliefs stemming from watching him as a child. They became estranged after she went on the run from the authorities, and she missed him terribly. When she discovered that Straizo had gone mad with his fear of ageing and Joseph had defeated him, she was terribly conflicted with the news. She harbours no resentments towards Joseph, however, and understands that he only did what was necessary.
SON Joseph Joestar. The most painful decision in Lisa Lisa's life was to leave her infant son behind once she was forced to flee from the British authorities. She took comfort in knowing that he would be safe under the combined protection of her Mother-In-Law, Erina Joestar, and Robert E.O Speedwagon. She reunited with Joseph many years later when the boy was nineteen, although he did not recognise her as his mother, and she kept the fact a secret from him in order not to complicate their already dire situation of defeating the Pillar Men. Lisa Lisa's love for Joseph is closer to a teacher and her student rather than mother and son, but she cares for him no less. She holds pride in the strength and crafty intellect Joseph possesses, often remarking to herself that he must have got that from her, and the warmer side from his father. BIOLOGICAL MOTHER
Unknown woman. Slain and devoured by DIO's minions when Lisa Lisa was only months old. She holds no memories of her biological parents, nor what they looked like. But the knowledge of their demises plays a role in her determination to protect the world from vampires, zombies and the Pillar Men alike. She will not allow another child to go through what she did.

FIRST SPOUSE George Joestar II. Over 20 years after his death, Lisa Lisa still misses him terribly, a permanent scar leaving resentments stewing inside her for British Air Force's command in failing to protect her husband, and above all, DIO for creating the monster that devoured him. Her life fell apart that night when her grief overwhelmed her, causing her to infiltrate the base and kill the disguised zombie with her Hamon. In order to avoid retaliation and legal repercussions for having been caught in the act of murder, the Speedwagon Foundation helped her to erase all evidence of her existence. She still keeps photographs of George hidden amidst her belongings, for she cannot bring herself to ever forget his face. SECOND SPOUSE Laurie Miller. After Lisa Lisa started living in America with her son, Joseph Joestar, she met Laurie: a Hollywood screenwriter. They got privately married in 1948 when Lisa Lisa was 60 years old, and together live in a small house just outside of the main hub of New York. While a part of her heart will always be wounded by the abrupt and violent loss of George, Lisa Lisa finds comfort and security in Laurie that she hasn't felt in a long time. She fondly admires her ambition and resilience alongside her beautiful and creative mind. Out of habit, the two women often sit down after dinner to read the draft scripts that Laurie has been working on for the past weeks and bounce ideas between the pair of them. Lisa Lisa always delights in seeing their shared ideas spark to life on the screen, and looks forward to going to the film premieres and listening to Laurie whisper all the problems they had behind the scenes while the finished product plays before them. HAIR Dark brown, appearing as almost black. Straight, reaching down to her middle back and often groomed off to one side. EYES Deep "sky-blue", likened to two shards of ice. Almond-shaped with long, thick eyelashes. FACE Heart-shaped face. Possesses high cheekbones and a defined jawline. COMPLEXION Pale Ivory "Fair" skin with pink undertones. SCAR(S) None, save for a few nicks from non-combat-related abilities. Later posses a deep scar that enters through her right shoulder blade and exits above her right breast, received from being stabbed in the back by Kars' bone blade. PIERCINGS Two simple piercings on either of her lower earlobes. HEIGHT 5'9 ft [ 175 cm. ] WEIGHT 143.3 lbs [ 65 kg. ] BLOOD TYPE A. BUILD Mesomorph. Lithe athletic frame with defined musculature in her biceps and thighs. HEALTH Well above average in health for her age. Hamon allows her body to maintain the majority of her youthful look and structure, appearing as though she's in her late 20s rather than early 50s.

USUAL EXPRESSION Lisa Lisa keeps her facial expressions under extreme control, never allowing more than necessary to seep through when conversing with her students or enemies alike. While she may give a gentle smile or slight frown, her eyes remain unwavering from that calm, focused fixture. CLOTHING STYLE Lisa Lisa is fond of all assortments of high fashion, her wardrobe full of dark and colourful dresses, shoes, eyewear, pants, and dress shirts. Neat and stylish. The most notable item is a long red scarf that was gifted to her by Straizo on her 18th birthday, made with the yarn of the Satiporoja beetle which allows her to conduct her Hamon through it with 100% accuracy. FEAR(S) Lisa Lisa harbours deep trauma after the abrupt and violent loss of her husband, her fears almost completely channelled into the prospect of humanity being lost to the potential vampires and zombies that lurk in their ranks undetected. Above this, she often has difficulty separating herself from The Red Stone of Aja, intrusive thoughts weighing down on her about what might happen if she lost or broke it. She keeps it under her pillow at night while she sleeps, often clenched in her fist where she is prepared to fight to the death to keep it under her custodianship. Despite this, she will never present her fears as such, reframing them as her aspirations as a guardian and protector for all humankind. ASPIRATION(S) Above all else, to protect and defend The Red Stone of Aja, which has been passed through many trusted hands for generations. Her goal secondary to this is training Hamon Warriors who in turn will also serve as protectors of the Red Stone and humanity against creatures of the night that prey upon them. DISORDERS/ILLNESSES
PTSD, Depression.
FAITH Catholic. POSITIVE TRAITS Brave, Intelligent, Courageous, Proud, Strong, Cunning, Devoted, Loyal, Studious, Elegant, Stoic, Perceptive, Humble, Protective, Independent, Compassionate. NEGATIVE TRAITS Ruthless, Strict, Harsh, Stubborn, Vengeful, Insensitive, Cold, Reserved, Private, Snobbish, Patronising, Irritable, Mistrusting, Blunt, Melancholic, Deceitful. EDUCATION LEVEL Completed secondary and tertiary education. Meanwhile maintained her Hamon and meditation training under Straizo.


"I sowed the seeds. I'll prune the mess. I, Leonhard, swear so upon my vows to the goddess." — Ringfinger Leonhard.

He much prefers to keep the personal tattle short and sweet, The Ringfinger's birth falling to a noblewoman of Lothric whom he still regards with apparent endearment. He couldn't hope to pick a face for his father, a supposed general who lost his life shortly after the birth of his son. To this date, Leonhard remains skeptical of such wondrous tales, suspicious eyes falling to the very skin he wears: smaller than the noble blades, the dark, wavy locks of a farmer's son... an ordinary face. But most fortunate, they would murmur, the boy still had his mother's eyes.Noblemen and women's offspring were graced with tutelage in the arts of sorcery and swordsmanship, each one showing promise as accomplished knights. Leonhard was no exception. His training was consistent and his results blending comfortably with those of his peers. Nothing special... well, perhaps save for a ferocity most peculiar that he would descend upon his foes. Indeed, the young Lion's Heart was brash, an overwhelming adversary as eager to learn as any other... perhaps something darker dwelled just beneath the surface. Such inclination would lead to one unfortunate accident whilst fine-tuning sorceries, one slip that would haunt Leonhard for years to come. The flames were agonizing, his body ravaged and stripped-down 'til his flesh was beyond recognition: he wouldn't even realize he could no longer feel his face until he would catch a stranger's reflection staring back at him in a bedside window.Terror. Leonhard hadn't felt such a thing until that day, his peers looking upon him with either horror or pity — foul inclinations he couldn't escape, not even beneath the mask he adorned. No longer was he his own, his body and visage robbed from him in one single instant. THAT'S ALL IT EVER REALLY TAKES, DOESN'T IT? He would trade his mother, his comrades, anything to have his past back, his salvation shining through in the tales of men entering the Cathedral of the Deep, never to be seen again as strangers to the world emerged in their wake. A second chance, one Leonhard would set out for without utterance to a single soul: He always did like to keep personal tattle short and sweet. Surely his fellow nobles would try to stop him from treading through such darkness anyway? He would search afar, stepping across the misshapen bodies of enormous grubs until he was standing in front of her. The blessed mother, dearest Rosaria... A foul creature, chunks of straw-like hair patched across the bed-chamber, her chest and throat sunken against bone, winding with tethers of unsightly veins that crawled up to a frightful, tongueless mouth. The nobleman would not feel his body buckle to knees, nor the tears that rolled painfully down scathed cheeks. So terribly repulsive was she... so wondrously beautiful. Who was he to become yet another who took from the voiceless goddess? To take, and take, and take...? Never would she be gifted to mercy to say NO.When Leonhard would place his hand before hers, he would not reach to take, but to give. He would surely be long forgotten to the kingdom before he could return, and he need not trade flesh for eyes that did not pass judgment... a promise of complete freedom. He would lend himself to an incomplete hand, his title bestowed to him as poignant as the day he met her. The Ring Finger - The vein of love, closer to the goddess' heart than any other.

FULL NAME Lord Leonhard. ALIAS(S) Leonhard, The Ringfinger, Ringfinger Leonhard, Leon, Leo. [ Do refrain from the latter two. ] SPECIES Undead Human. AGE Unknown, older than he looks in undeath. Appears around his mid-thirties. BIRTHDAY August 3rd, Year Unknown. ETHNIC GROUP Caucasian, Germanic descent from father's side. BIRTHPLACE The Kingdom of Lothric. PREVIOUS HOME(S)
Briefly settled just beyond Farron Keep
CURRENT LOCATION He is a fabulous drifter and has no intentions of sharing that. LANGUAGE(S) Common. GENDER Cis Male. PRONOUNS He, Him, Himself. ORIENTATION
Bisexual [ Strong lean towards feminine individuals. ]
Former Nobleman & Knight of Lothric. Rosaria’s Fingers
Wields the Crescent Moon Sword in his right hand, the swift and brutal curvature selected in favor over his previous Lothric Knight Sword. Frequently rotates between his Eastern Iron Shield and Sorcerer's Staff. Favors his Homing Soulmass and Soul Greatsword sorceries for their offesive capabilities. Keeps a Red Eye Orb in the satchel on his belt, as well as a small keep of change, and dried cuts of hare meat for the cats.

FACE Broad, rectangular face shape with defined cheekbones with a protruding chin. Possesses a short aquiline nose with a prominent dorsal hump. The left nostril notably collapsed and fused with scar tissue to his nasolabial fold. The lower left side of his face is scarred from his lips, down to the destroyed cartilage of his ear. His forehead, scalp, and hair follicles on the right side are destroyed and also replaced with scar tissue — all the latter is owed to third-degree burns obtained in his youth. HAIR Ash brown. Wavy and trimmed down to his neck. Large patch missing from the right side of his forehead, down to just above his mastoid bone. Normally tucked behind head scarf. EYES Ice blue eyes, appearing almost a silvery gray in the sunlight. Upturned with a sharp crease and narrowed down towards the inner canthus. COMPLEXION Pale skin with warm undertones. Pigment is visibly destroyed around areas with scar tissue. HEIGHT 5'8 ft [ 173 cm ] WEIGHT 174 lbs [ 79 kg ] BUILD Endomorph. Strong upper arms with limited muscle definition across chest and back. Soft stomach, with scar tissue reaching up his collar bone and across his groin and left leg. Around 20-25% body fat. HANDINESS Right handed. CLOTHING STYLE Long-worn military wear, designed for nobles of his home country. His hands, collar, and back are covered with silver-crested armor, while his garbs are embroidered with elaborate tapestries of thin gold thread. Shoulders wrapped in a long, emerald-green cape that reaches down to his thigh. Most notably wears a broad leather cap, with a silver mask obscuring his entire face on top of a thick headscarf.

USUAL EXPRESSION Face completely obscured, save for his eyes, making his expression near impossible to read. His eyes tend to linger perhaps just a moment too long upon those he's engaging with. PHYSICAL AILMENTS Near-complete loss of hearing in left ear, with a majority of the nerve endings in his skin being dulled under scar tissue. POSITIVE TRAITS
Clever, Cunning, Artful, Creative, Eloquent, Ambitious, Assertive, Charismatic, Independent, Level-headed, Calm, Jocular.
Dismissive, Arrogant, Dishonest, Manipulative, Antisocial, Mistrusting, Possessive, Sadistic, Crass, Unpredictable, Flippant, Degrading.
Mend physical injuries and resume noble duties (formerly), Protect and serve Rosaria, finding a means to comfort her and bring an end to the degradation his perceived imprisonment of her constantly brings. To hunt down and slaughter Blue Sentinels and Blades of the Darkmoon.
FEARS To see Rosaria's soul fall into the wicked hands of the selfish. To leave her alone to continue festering and serving the whims of her subjects. Agitated around open fires & their smell. HOBBIES Reading, Story-telling, Feeding the cats, Gambling, Painting. FAVOURITE FOOD(S) Sharp tasting foods and drinks due to his dulled sense of taste and smell. Citrus fruits, Cinnamon, Sweet tarts, e.c.t. FAVOURITE ANIMAL Cats. Admires how untamable and beautiful they are. Will often stop to feed the strays he meets on his travels.


"This bloody fate is ours alone. Do not expect the world to grasp our work, but remember, the confederates will always have my blessing, and each-other, always." — Valtr, Master of the League.

Once upon a time, a troupe of foreign constables chased a beast all the way to Yharnam, determined to cut down the creature and put a stop to its ravenous rampage before it claimed any more lives. In a grisly turn of events, however, the constables themselves became victims of the beast as it eventually rounded on them. One by one they were viciously mauled and slaughtered, their remains scattered in unrecognizable heaps across the woods — each one met a bloodied end, all except for one survivor. The remaining constable, left hideously scarred and inconsolably enraged, would take down the beast alone that same fateful night. In turn, he would devour the creature whole all by himself in vengeance for his former comrades, leaving nothing but scraps of fur and bones behind. This constable would thus gain a fabled title: VALTR, BEAST EATER.This inhuman act of bloodlust would open Valtr's remaining eye beyond an average hunter's, allowing him to see VERMIN, the centipede-like creatures that writhe inside blood and are the source of all mankind's corruption. With this insight, Valtr then founded ' The League', whose mission is to crush all Vermin in those they hunt. Under this position, he would adopt a new title: VALTR, MASTER OF THE LEAGUE. Confederates of The League are recruited and brandished with the 'Impurity Oath Rune', allowing them too to see the Vermin that resides in the flesh of their prey. Unfortunatley, the endless march of time would slowly eroded Valtr's strength, and eventually, he would lose the ability to see Vermin in his prey. In his advancing age, he would seek out a successor worthy enough to take his place as Master of The League.

FULL NAME Valtr. ALIAS(S) Valtr, Master of the League, Valtr, Beast Eater. SPECIES Human. AGE 35-45 BIRTHDAY
June 12th, Year Unknown.
ETHNIC GROUP Caucasian. BIRTHPLACE Outside Yharnam. CURRENT LOCATION Resides inside the abandoned wind mill in the Forbidden Woods. LANGUAGE(S) Common. GENDER Cis Male. PRONOUNS He, Him, Himself. ORIENTATION
OCCUPATION Police Constable [ formerly ], League Master. ACCENT British, Moderate. TOOLS League staff and Impurity Rune. Police lantern and police whistle. Weapons include a Whirligig Saw and a Hunter Blunderbuss. FACE CLAIM Ryan Gosling.

FACE Long, heptagonal shaped face with high cheekbones and a rounded jaw. Possesses a long, slim aquiline nose. HAIR Sandy blonde hair reaching shoulder length, messily parted at the front + Short, trimmed beard paired with a handlebar moustache and prominent soul patch. EYES Hooded, downturned baby blue eyes. Short, downturned lashes. Right eye clawed out by beast, healed over with scar tissue. COMPLEXION Medium skin tone, pink undertones. HEIGHT 6'0 ft [ 184 cm ] WEIGHT 165 lbs [ 75 kg ] BUILD Mesomorph. Slim with narrow waist and long legs. Wide, toned chest. CLOTHING STYLE Dons a long blue coat and trousers with polished black shoes and white constable gloves. Garbs display both a lantern and a police whistle, and are draped in a dark blue cape with a yellow underside. Valtr's unique addition to the uniform is a battered, crudely construced helmet [ resembling a bucket ] which covers his entire face — a single hole is present at the front for him to look out though. USUAL EXPRESSION Calm, steady eyes with a slight smile. Conveys a consistently amicable disposition to strangers.

Undiagnosed mental instability.
Slight histamine intolerance. Skin gets flushed and itchy whenever he drinks red wine or eats tomatoes.
Will wake up at the crack of dawn every day, no matter what time he went to rest the night before.
Unpredictable, fluctuating states between affable practicality and maniacally vicious passion. Rarely is it directed towards newcomers or companions, however, and instead focuses his unwavering scorn towards Vermin.
Outspoken and proper, addresses individuals directly with friendly, empathetic grabs. Enthusiastic, but not forceful.
POSITIVE TRAITS Affable, Confident, Engaging, Charismatic, Passionate, Sociable, Upfront, Honest, Loyal, Dedicated, Piquant, Chivalrous. NEGATIVE TRAITS Intense, Explosive, Vicious, Sadistic, Overbearing, Stubborn, Judgmental , Conceited, Unpredictable, Loud, Barbaric, Rowdy. GOALS/DESIRES To hunt and kill corrupt men and beasts alike, expunging all Vermin in the name of ultimate purification. To find a successor worthy to take his place as Master of The League. FEARS Losing the ability to see vermin. To die before he can obtain a successor, leaving The League to unravel.